And so it was a matter of the utmost delight to receive a cupcake stand from my fabulous boss Pen this week for Christmas:

Isn't it adorable!!! It holds 18 cakes and comes apart so it is easy to transport and store.
Of course, an empty stand is just an invitation to a baker with the next day off to create:

Also I am thrilled to have found a recipe that doesn't sink in the middle, and the texture of the cake is much improved. Amazingly this recipe breaks all the rules - much the same ingredients but you put everything in together and beat the bejeezus out of it. No creaming, folding faffing around.
Featured in this selection are stand alone papers in green and pink each with white polka dots, and two types of rococo papers: black with silver and white with black.
In the background is draped the throw I made at quilting camp. To think I was going to make curtains out of it, what a waste!!! :)
Yummy! I love the stand! Can I come visit you today ;-)