Every now and then I see an objet that jumps out from all the other gorgeous things in this prettiest of cities. For whatever reason - I find the connection of thought/mindset/preoccupation and what one notices quite interesting.
Last weekend MrC and I had brunch at Floriditas, a gorgeous café on Cuba St. Everything about Floriditas is thought out to make being there a pleasure - the décor, the service and the FOOD. Our lady above sits on the end of the counter. Overtones of a chemise à la reine in her attire, which is what fascinated me about her.
This is how they serve your boiled eggs at Floriditas - aren't Messrs Mallard and Reynard a delight! I did feel a little odd about bashing them over the head, but neither of them so much as flinched. And to see them in such harmony, unlike they would be in nature, and in a country where one of them has never caught on too, is also charming.
I saw this print on the wall of the Decorator Exchange in Kelburn - a charming little shop where you can buy second hand decorator objets - especially curtains. When Lady Kelburn decides that she is "bored with the Toile de Jouy in the Master Bedroom" after a whole three years and about $20k of Timney Fowler, her glorious soft furnishings may end up in this very shop. The print caught my eye as our dear American Duchess is plotting to take over the world of 18th C shoes, and it had such charming and amusing depictions of the most frivolous of footwear through the ages. The motto is, "Hurt not thy feet". So, whether breakfasting, browsing or buying, there's always something divinely charming to see in Welly.
And now I hear there is a chance of spotting James Nesbitt or Richard Armitage; does it get any better??

Richard and James are both playing dwarves in the Hobbit movie. Thorin and Bifur respectively. Oh joy is mine to live in Wellywood!!