Thursday, May 16, 2024

Out and About

WELL, it's been a while! As usual, I'm busy, and also get a bit cringe about talking about my life.

 Here's a pic of the cast of a show I did at Shantytown, a tourist attraction just outside of Greymouth in the South Island on April 13.

A quick wrap up since last April: I have a new job - I'm now a consultant on salary instead of a gun for hire. It's really different and I like the continuity and having a team behind me. Last year I worked for a business in the South Island and got to travel down there every few weeks which was really good fun. A welcome break from govt work. Anyone following kiwi politics will understand this, nuff said.

Constance is still busy - no overseas travel since 2022, and none until 2025, when I'll be heading back to Canadia, with husband this time as he deserves a break. April was a show out of town every weekend and it was too much, but sometimes I just need to do the shows that I need to do, and they clump together like this.

My love of quizzes has persisted - Hans and I hosted a fundraiser with performances in November last year, I've still done the odd music round, and now I am writing one!

 I've done a fair bit of sewing, and not posted any of it. I'll try to redress this as I've made some really fun and gorgeous things!

That's it really. No minutae of life, that requires remembering to post more often. 

I'll try to do better! xo


  1. Dear Mrs. C.,
    Hooray for a salary and a break from the ultra-stressful!
    I bet the play was great fun to do: the costumes look elegant.
    And you've been sewing, so that's lovely as it means your creativity is busting out. It all can leave you a bit pooped, I guess, but oh, the satisfaction of a string of good evenings and fabulous outfits! Hoping you'll give us a peep at some of them, and most interested in what you're writing.

    On this side of multiple ponds and a continent, I am patterning an early Edwardian outfit from originals in my little collection. It will have a boa :)! as an accessory :)

    Other things I've made have yet to be blogged, and there was a really stressful period during which I learned the very basics of crochet just to keep my mind focused on something light and sleep-inducing :) Came out with a nubby washcloth from the endeavor. Not bad :)

    Very best indeed and so happy to see your post appear!

    Natalie in KY

    1. Hello lovely Natalie!! Oooh Edwardian is so fantastic, and a boa! And crochet wash cloths are fantastic things, so much better than one use wipes and cotton wool. Well done. I love that you turn to something creative in times of trouble - it really is a balancer eh.

    2. Oh I just had a giggle, this was not a play it was a burlesque show, but I have just done some costumes for a play and will be posting about that soon!
