Saturday, September 24, 2022

Cutting the Cord

 Sounds dramatic, but that is precisely what I did. On Thursday evening I decided to make a new costume to take away. what can I say, I find deadlines can be productive.

It involved laying a big chunk of sequin net on the floor of my studio, as the table is too small. Then I started happily cutting around the pattern and as I got near to the desk I felt a slight resistance on the scissors. Hmm, I am hoping I didn't have a fold tucked up under it as that would ruin the project but no,

RIP iPhone charger

it was my friend Polly's phone charger! He is staying with us this week and thank goodness because having an experienced drag queen in the house has really helped make decisions. Like, the new costume needs black stretch velvet, not the gold sequin mesh he brought over for me from Shine.

ANYWAY, like the good girl scout that he is, he had another cable so all was not lost!

As for the costume, it's FREAKING FANTASTIC and photos will ensue because as soon as I pressed it, I packed it!

Oooh, we're halfway there, oooh, packin' on a prayer!

The lid of my case is tightly crammed with big sparkly costumes and makeup.

 1.5 more sleeps until I get on a plane to Canadia bound for the Saskatoon International Burlesque Festival.

I'm part organised and part frazzled wreck. I bought jewelry on Thursday and I cannot find where I put it, so I have no earrings for one costume and no hairpiece for another. 

However, for the first time I know exactly where my current passport is. It is in this pile of crap on the kitchen bench. 

The front of my hair is now red, pink and burgundy. I'm experimenting to see if I can sculpt it into curls sitting on my natural hair. It's an ambitious plan.

I am excited, I cannot deny!