Friday, February 12, 2021

What a week I had today!


Sister Maryanne of Caffeination!
 My day started well. Or startled well? While in bed taking a call about something not fab, I got distracted and put my coffee mug and cereal bowl down on the duvet. The mug immediately flipped over and shed its dregs onto the white part of the duvet cover. I hang up, go to find something to absorb the coffee, realise I am desperate to go to the loo, so many unpacked boxes so no tissues or cloths where they normally are. So I'm jiggling around holding on while staunching the coffee with toilet paper, finally get to relieve myself, put the duvet cover in the washer and start to dye my hair red again.
When the washer beeps I take the duvet out, can't get the drier door open as the handle broke off recently, finally get it open, the catch falls off, it now won't close, and I got red hair dye on it.
And last but not least, the light in our bathroom is MUCH better than in the rental's en-suite and I saw the true horror of my feral eyebrows today!
Yesterday's contribution was that my driver's license expired in Jan last year and I never noticed until I used it as ID, so getting a new one was on the to-do list. 
After all that, I used my "sitting while the dye does its thing" time to practise on the guitar I've lent, book an eyebrow shaping and then I was rinsed and off.
Result! My greys are now hot pink. I decided to wait until we returned to our own place to do this and it feels so good!

-took my passport in to get the ID part done so we can have the new comfy bed,
-sorted a new driver's license,
-bought groceries for our empty fridge and cupboards,
-did the final key drop etc for the rental and I now cannot get back in. Spooky!
-bought cartridges for our printer (I'm quite fond of having one!)
-bought paper bags and lollies for the shop (lollies are for staff morale)
-missed my eyebrow appointment so bought wax

When I got home I waxed badly (thank goodness for eyebrow pencil), and am now looking at what I need to pack to take to the Opera House tomorrow...
...and ordering new parts for the dryer!

Talk about a contrast from the sublime to the ridiculous!



  1. I think you should leave your eyebrows alone. You have a good pair, and so long as they don't meet in the middle enjoy them.

    1. Practical - the finer they are the easier they are to block. I mean I did an ok job in the end, just lost a wee bit of one, but they grow back! ;-)

  2. Well, that was a morning to remember...days that start with coffee spills, much less appliance breakages, can be scary.

    Here we're in the crosshairs of the second winter storm in four days. Ieeeee! A bit much, but hoping for sledding.

    Very best,


    1. Enjoy your sledding <3 Drier parts arrived, the hubster has fixed it. Duvet is coffee free and has intersting pink marks hehe. Life!
