Saturday, April 8, 2023

Quiz Mastering and liking blogs

 On Thursday last, I Quiz mastered the music quiz at the Southern Cross for the first time!

Hans on acoustic round, me on the rest!
I did the acoustic round 11 times since April 22, which is a fair few, and because our beloved quiz master Vorn wasn't able to attend, nor his usual back-up, I volunteered.

SUCH FUN. It was a lot of work doing the research and assembling play lists, but as this whole quiz is about listening to songs and answering things like artist and title, as well as in one case, which movie the song was played over the credits of, it's fairly straight forward. 

So now I want to be a quizmaster somewhere every week. It's lots of fun, and I can do it with a 20 minute hair and face makeover instead of a two hour one!

Of course in spite of this it was not plain sailing -  I had bought all of the songs off a website and all was well until an 80s hit came up and it was so quiet we could hardly hear it. Realising this was going to be an ongoing issue, Hans quickly assembled the playlists in Spotify on his iPhone and played them off there. OMG WHAT. Thank goodness for having a millenial by my side

Lots else has been happening too, of course. I'm giving up lone contracting and joining a consultancy company with handover mid May, I've taken up aqua jogging, and I'm still sorting out how I want to focus my spare time, while squandering it on games on my phone.

I'm finishing with a thanks to those who still blog, and read blogs. I'm not an instagram kind of gal, I like a good chewy read. I subscribe to a few newsletters that are basically blog posts that get dropped into our email aren't they? And Youtube, with its longer form chatty videos. But I really like blogs.


  1. If I carry on with Instagram I need to get a good camera to compete. I don't need a new vocabulary - or maybe I do...

    1. I think we get used to it. I say and write things now that would have been gibberish 20 years ago!

  2. Quizmaster: that sounds like great fun, and something a person would get hooked on.

    Your description of liking a "chewy read" is so apt!

    By the way, I intend to post again, but the last year has frankly been tough and there has been little time and less energy for it.

    Hugs from abroad,

    Natalie in KY

    1. Hi lovely!!! I totally understand <3 So long as you are well and getting through!

  3. I far prefer blogs to long chatty YouTube videos! I like reading things at my own pace, and being able to see at a glance what I can safely skip. :D
    I'm just not good at keeping up with them... if they sent notifications like YouTube does... I'm not enough of a millenial to have a solution for that, apoarently!

    1. Hana! Oh my goodness I never saw this comment. Just as I don't get notifications of blogs, I don't get notifications of new comments. Really doesn't help does it! <3

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