Thursday, September 24, 2009
It's been an interesting day, anyone else into 1-day? They are having a 20 minute sale today and it's been fun keeping up to see if there is anything worth buying. So far, a dozen bottles of appletize. I missed out on a cordless mouse for $11.99 by a whisker (hur hur). I also did heaps of work, thank you those who were wondering (you know who you are)
In a few mintes I am going to a threading party. Threading is something you can do with thread that has nothing whatsoever to do with sewing! Amazing! It's a middle-eastern hair removal technique that is very effective, and I will come away with amazing eyebrows (ouch). And black eyelashes as the amazing Sara also tints these. I love being a woman!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
My baby is home again...
However after several weeks of nail biting anxiety and putting up with Mum's 1030, a contemporary of my lovely 1120 but missing several important features, I have her back and there was no charge! turns out the brushes were not worn out but clogged up, and a clean up was all it took.
That plus coming home to a cheque for $50 I won in an online competition I forgot I had entered, it was a nice homecoming indeed!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Back at home base
The purpose of the weekend was to work on and maybe even finish a book I've been picking away at for a few years. And as Lisa is illustrating it, it was the perfect place to go and advance the project. We have - it's not done but it has some kind of shape and theme now.
No, don't ask about it, I don't want to let anything out of the bag until it is done!
While I was there, I discovered Aaron's Emporium. It is the best emporium I've ever been to and I wish I had lots of extra money cos I could have bought a LOT more than I did. But I was restrained. Here are some of the trims and laces I got:

The two top ones are velvet, about 5 inches wide, and embroidered and covered in sequins. $5m!!!!! Perfect for belly dancing costumes. the next one is a beautiful black lace with brown and red roses on it $3m, and the bottom two are cotton laces, 80c and $1m. amazing.
I also bought little filigree butterflies and mantissas, giant hooks and eyes, safety pins, other bits and bobs, and a new basket to replace the one I busted trying to carry too many veges home from market.
So all in all it was an incredibly productive weekend. :)
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
In honour of our wedding anniversary and my url...
amo = I love, amas= you love (s), amat= he, she or it loves, amamus = we love, amatis = you love (pl), amant = they love.
MrC and I met online; he was using "amamus" as a username at the time. I spotted it, sent him a quick msg saying it was nice to know that someone else did Latin at school, and that got us talking. And here we are today :)
When it came to planning our wedding, we came up with the theme, "The Magic and Miracle of Love," but Love in the biggest sense of the word. Not just him and me, but the wider circle of our families and friends who are just as much a part of us as we are. So, the Latin conjugation of amare featured on our invitations, and we got half each on our rose gold wedding rings. MrC got the first three words as he had skinnier fingers! I therefore got the second half, with a tiny ruby between each word. To us it adds to the symbolism of the ring that is a circle without beginning or ending.
When I was trying to come up with a url, the hectic eclectic was gone, and then the idea of using my wedding ring came to me, and funnily enough, it was still free!
He took this lovely photo of our rings just now, sitting on an applique and cording sample I did last week. I thought it was more fitting than the ironing board cover!

Monday, September 7, 2009
I'm in love with a pretty little hen...
"Oh won't you be my bride?"
"Buck buck buck buck buck!" she replied,
"I'll be yours and I'll be true, and I'll lay lots of eggs for you,
I'll be yours for the rest of my life..."
I loved that song when I was a kid. Looking at it now it's a bit suss! hehehe. Anyway I am off on a quilting retreat on Friday afternoon, and the retreat block is a real laugh!

What a pair of cuties!! The brief was the pattern and having to use plaids. I don't want a big ol' pile of these blocks but my sister likes it so I'm hoping one of us will win so she can have them!
Now, poached, scrambled, or fried? :)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Today we are six!

- It's the biggest ongoing UFO I have ever taken on
- Just when I think I really know him, he surprises me
- Every day there is something to be thankful for, even if it is a shit day
- Growing older together is the best!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Stitch and ...Giggle?
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Making things last longer.

My new Kitchen Love

I do love it. I remember the thrill when I bought the Sunbeam Retro, which reminded me of the one I learnt to bake with. It took one pavlova to remind me why my mother and i hated that Sunbeam mixer - the unlockable turntable. I put all the ingredients into it, cranked it up to high and walked away from it. When I turned back, I could only watch in horror as the white goopy mess spun up and out of the bowl in a perfect round centrifugal arc that scribed itself up the walls and across the floor. And over me as I rushed in to turn it off. After laughing myself silly, I had to spend quite some time cleaning it off. You know what sugar is like.
ANYWAY, this new honey has a cover, a locked base and the beater does the moving. I haven't used it yet but watch this space, move over Delia, Julia, Gordon and Jamie, MrsC has entered the building!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
September morn...
This week I discovered something. About how people hear what we say. It's definitely a lesson for me! I want to say my piece and because I know I'm right, "they" should listen. Trouble is, being right means often being righteous, and noone listens to righteous people. I've discovered that being understood is better. When people understand they think we are wise. Wise beats right like a royal flush beats a pair of 2's!
The trick is being wise not right, cos right comes automatically, but wisdom takes more effort.
Ah well. Life is a journey for a reason I guess, gives us time to get better at living it. Then we die. This is why I prefer to believe in reincarnation. Seems a terrible waste otherwise.