Janene at Oobop! has thoughtfully given me a Liebster award. Thank you so much! Liebster is German for "much loved" or "favourite" which delights my heart. And rather delightfully, she also gave one to Kat at Modern Vintage Cupcakes, whom I have yet to meet but lives in the same city as me at the other end of GMT to London. :)
The Liebster is for blogs with under 200 followers (although with a combination of blogger followers and Google reader followers even I don't know how many I have). Recipients nominate five other blogs to receive the award. So, these are my five picks for a Liebster.
Dressing Mrs Exeter - Mrs Exeter shares about everything from cleaning chandeliers to covered buttons. It's nice to read about the life of another middle-aged blogger!
Miss Ginger Makes - Verity looooves fabric and sells it at Greenwich Market. She is the busiest person I've never met and it is always a thrill to get a glimpse into her life :)
My Fat Quarter - Karen is a poppet with a passion for buttons and a talent for patchwork that blows me away. We sew together at least once a month and always laugh ourselves silly!
Sew 18th Century - Elisabeth loves the 18th C and her costumes are objects of perfectly accurate desire!
Marmota's Dress Diaries - Hana Marmota lives in the Czech Republic and blogs about costumes, op-shopping and exotic and unusual locations she gets to visit, like Estonia, which I very much want to visit myself, now!
Thank you again Janene, and thank you to all the wonderful blogs I enjoy following!