Tuesday, January 17, 2012

On opening nights and the miracle of friendship...

We did it! Lonely heart 'went up' last night! It all went as smoothly as it could, and it was very well received. And it got a fantastic review from Wellington's toughest theatre critic!
Just waiting on photos before posting a lot more.
In the meantime I want to say a few things about friends. If EVER a woman was blessed with amazing friends, it is I.
Leimomi, The Dreamstress, contributed not only her time and skill in making the most beautiful 1940's wedding dress out of polyester damask tablecoth fabric of all things, but also her wisdom and knowledge of 1940's fashion and finishes. Without her counsel to bounce things off I would have felt very alone. AND her copy of Everyday Fashions of the 1940's was invaluable!
Madame Ornata, who made aprons, came over and sewed, unpicked, made me cups of tea and made me laugh. What a woman!
Emma Kinane, who is in this show, but also found lots of time to sit and sew with me, and regale me with fascinating tales of her life. What a woman!
Eileen, The Duchess of Texas, brought me dinner from my favourite Italian restaurant, and even coffee, kept me company and threaded pearls. How cool is that! I thought I was going to get a sandwich!
My sister Jo, My mum Jenny the Embroidenator, and my stepdaughter Amelia all gave up some of their holiday to sew costumey bits, make encouraging noises and put up with me!
Claire from The Vanity Case, whose skill with vintage looks, absolute humour and patience with our cast and recalcitrant wigs alike has put a big cherry on the top of the whole look we would never have achieved without her.
And of course, MrC, David. What a guy! He is SO patient -he has learnt about bias binding, zips and all manner of haberdashery he was sent out to source for me with very little guidance, and always with success. He has fed me, looked after me and put up with me, and supported me in this as in everything in our life.
I am truly Blessed!! Thank you all, and all of the wonderful people in my life, for being who you are.


  1. So it's off! Congratulations, everyone! We've been watching you from afar. Hopefully those who watch you from a closer distance enjoy the experience, too. :-)

  2. Awww...thank you! I can't believe I missed this when it came in. It was a pleasure to help you, and you've certainly done the same for me!
