Sunday, May 1, 2016

A Quick Hello!

The Aussies have a saying - It's all on for young and old! How apt this is for my life right now. So much happening, some I can't share as yet (but soon!), but mostly I am trying to deal with it through a bleary fug of the Lurgie.
It's a horrible permutation. Unlike the usual "I'll just start in your head and move down to your chest in a couple of days" this one has taken my entire respiratory system by storm simultaneously. It was a gift from my lovely husband too, which is quite good really as he is already OK so I know I technically only have two more days of this to go!
Yesterday we had an afternoon cabaret which was about getting good video footage of the acts, with some audience for ambience. I was very moved that my mum and dad and dear friend Pam came to see it - Mum loves a good show but late nights are not her thing any more. Also excitingly my stepdaughter Sarah and her fiance and his parents all came to Wellington for the weekend and decided to come to the show as well, after a morning at Weta Cave. So really it was a family affair!

My makeup game was great yesterday and I had five costume changes, and two hair changes. I think I win the pro award too because my mother didn't realise I had the lurgie! She has such a radar for that kind of thing too. Ah, the slap that transformeth the face and fooleth the world.

Photos will be forthcoming as the ever amazing Ngahuia was present along with Andrew the video magician. He had cameras on tripods set up on tables all over the place. Should be interesting!

In closing here are two very bad selfies of my makeup mid application. Warning: eyes designed for huge lashes before lashes are applied look seriously weird!


  1. I look forward to the full-on photos. I'm so glad everyone was able to come to your show too. Get well soon! You're such an actor to hide it so well. Heh. Bravo.

    1. Well, I was too tired to do my I'm Tired routine again because we had a minor technical difficulty hehe.

  2. Your hair colour there is one of my favourites! GO PINKY-PURPLE! Also woo elf-ears and sparkly eyes!

    I hope you get over the ick soon. :( Good on you though, powering on and fooling everyone into thinking you're well. That's impressive!

  3. Dear Mrs. C,
    Nuts about the respiratory h-e-double-hockey-sticks. Say, what is a Lurgie? Sounds like a useful term. You're in autumn now so I suppose this is the first blast of the season.

    Hooray on the show that went on, despite being ill. Took a lot of energy, but being on stage can give energy, so I hear. We'll look forward to more on the scene!

    Very best,

  4. What fun you have.............. and what stress I know this would be for me.hahaha. Have fun... and keep that talent going.
