Monday, April 5, 2010

Before and after - extreme stash makeover

Followers, meet my stashes. I have two, quite distinct stashes - one for quilting and one for clothing and costuming. My quilting stash is the 'good' stash. It has been well behaved in a cupboard since the week we moved in. This is the stuff that is half a yard or more, the fat quarters, fabrics already dedicated to a project and scraps are all on shelves around the top of the room.

my colour preferences get a bit obvious when you see it like this...

My 'bad' stash has been occupying a series of storage bins that have been moved from one inaccessible spot to the next, finally landing in a big stack in the corner of the studio. It used to be twice as large but I have sold a lot of stuff about which I am ambivalent - oh yes and of course I DO occasionally make something out of it! :)
Anyway, this mess is finally sorted out. I liberated a big cupboard elsewhere in the house that was just not working. It will be replaced with a smaller cupboard. The result is this:
Isn't it fab!! I can see everything and get at everything! And I have just one storage box left as it is full of bits and bobs that aren't really fold-up-able.
I reckon that if I started sewing up my stashes and didn't stop until they were used up, I would be 307. I may yet have to liberate some more. But today, I'm just enjoying owning it ;-)


  1. Just catching up on blogs I've missed while I am away. YOu have been very busy.. I love the china.. bet it's hard to decide which one is best for club day?? I love your decor.. the previous photo didn't look too bad?? but I love the new look and it suits you!!

  2. Oh it really was the pits in 'real life' Karen! Sooo busy, made the room feel tiny. :)
    I've got a few cups and saucers that are pretty but I'm not as fond of, will probably bring one of those just in case there's an oopsy. And tonight I start The Cake, about which I WILL be blogging so watch this space ;-)
