Monday, March 14, 2011

The Tube

Nothing says London like the Underground. Apparently a billion people ride the tube every year - I think they mean individual rides not distinct people! I love the tube stations, although I've only been on the Piccadilly line.
Remember the very deep Russell Square station? Turns out the 175 steps are only 6 inches deep so it is a mere 27 metres, or 6 storeys, underground. Today I decide we should take these steps down, and so we did:
Down, down, down...
And then some more down...
And more...and this was a good idea, why?...
Finally! Loving the tiles!!!
..Into the tiny round pod that is the tube station - so unchanged since the 1920's, except for the advertising, the people and the actual trains! Oh, and the endless announcements reminding you to mind the gap....
Every station on the Piccadilly line has its own colour scheme and patterning.
Covent Garden in yellows and russets arranged elaborately. Stupid poster is in the way!
The bathroomlike order and crispness of white and navy for Leicester Square
The cheery simplicity of Piccadilly Circus itself
And my favourite, Hyde Park, in cream and chocolate. See the No Exit sign? All tiled in. Most stations still have these tilework signs but many are partially obscured by annoying new signs.
I love these stations in all their tiled splendour.


  1. As your fire warden I now know the truth and there shall be no more complaints on evacuation days :)

    Keep blogging for those of us who miss you terribly and are drooling with envy. Viva la vicarious living!

  2. These are the best tube shots I have ever seen!

  3. I once made the mistake of taking the stairs to avoid the queue for the lift at one deep underground station....never again.
